Sunday, May 5, 2013

Epitaph (2007) - Movie Review

EPITAPH - Movie Review
A photo album that dates back to 1942 into the intern days of Dr. Jung Nam at Ansaeng Hospital triggers the dark memories of his life. The memories include an arrange marriage and a fiancee who committed suicide, his encounters at the morgue when he was assigned to monitor it late at night, and his love escapade with a corpse that later will be revealed as the fiancee (whom he had never met). Other mysterious events soon takes place at the hospital: A young girl haunted by the ghost of her mother, and a psychotic serial killer targeting Japanese soldiers.


While Epitaph is not that popular English speaking audience, I am sooo lucky to experience its commendable hair thrilling craft. The movie consists of three interwoven stories (that intersects with one another) which are presented in a very surreal genre of horror. The cinematography is extremely creepy. Though the plot which sort of have a dissociative identity disorder twist, confused me a lot, well it doesn't matter as long as it scares the hell out of me.  Story one is basically about a necrophiliac young intern, it mainly revolves inside the morgue. Story two is about a girl who survived an accident that killed her mom and step dad. One word to describe story two: incestuous! Story three is about a serial killer (or so it seems) who is targeting soldiers and later killed a nurse. Later the doctor will discover about the unbearable horrific truth.
It's really hard to keep track of every event happening in the movie due o it constantly jump from one period to another but the horror scenes were perfectly executed that's why you will never really get bored. Epitaph cannot be lined with the typical J-horror or other Asian horror films that stage creepy images of a ghostly woman with long black hair covering her face or distorted figures creeping and crawling everywhere. It has this deep dark force that will bond you with the characters especially with that of Asako's. Asako's story - my favorite of the three. This is where the ghost of the mother is beautifully presented -- gave me a hell of a nightmare for 2 nights :) 
Epitaph tried to elevate itself from the usual Asian Horror and it almost succeeded. I recommend this movie for anyone who wants to experience the creativity of Asians when it comes to the horror genre.  

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